Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Gordon Tippett
  • Male
  • Kyoto
  • Japan

Gordon Tippett's Friends

  • Kento Joshua Labrador
  • Michelle Tonks
  • Atsuko Waka
  • Nao Sakata
  • halka
  • Leena Fukui
  • Pastor Tony Richards
  • Rika Ha
  • Trey Rowzie
  • Chloe Harris
  • Naoko Matsunaga
  • Cerrone Cabanos
  • Ushioda Rie
  • Cecille
  • keith a. bouy

Gordon Tippett's Discussions

Pray for protection
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joseph Ricohermoso Nov 25, 2009.

Father's Amazing Freedom

Started Sep 1, 2009

Father's Amazing Wisdom
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joseph Ricohermoso Jun 24, 2009.


Gordon Tippett's Page

Gordon Tippett's Blog

The Blood of Jesus Christ

Please check this out. Copy and paste it into your address bar on the top of your internet page, please.

Posted on November 29, 2009 at 2:42pm

Father's Amazing Freedom

Dear Father’s children:

When you live alone, the enemy loves to use it as an opportunity to attack. Last Friday night, I did myself in as usual on Friday nights by thinking, “Wow, its Friday, what are my friends doing? Where can I go? Who can I call?” In the West, Friday is the first evening of the weekend and the work week is done. It is a joke at work to say TGIF which means Thank God It’s Friday. Traditionally, friends and relatives get together or husbands and wives, girlfriends and… Continue

Posted on September 1, 2009 at 8:00am

Warning on Hoaxers

Dear Friends:
I received a request to accept as a friend Jen Thomas. I may be forgetful but I don't know a Jen Thomas. Do any of you know a Jen Thomas. With her request is a note that she made $913.00 doing work for google. She gives a mail@japan prayer link email address which is very generic. It has the markings of a hoax so don't accept this if you don't know this person. Hoaxers play on our greed for money to accept and ask them questions.
God bless

Posted on August 15, 2009 at 6:01am — 1 Comment

I am sorry Mamie san

Dear Mamie san:
My sincere apologies. My entries on the Forum page bumped you to page 2 and people have to click the 2 to find you. Please don't forget about Mamie sans invitation to introduce yourself to us. Her note is on page 2 of the Forum.
God bless you all

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 8:44am


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Please check out my message in the Forum section. I believe God has given us a way to reach the lost in Japan in a way they can relate to and a way that takes them from where they are at to Jesus. I pray we can raise up evangelism teams to do street witnessing with Christians who are prepared to know what to say and who have confidence from their knowledge and wisdom in handling the Gospel message to overcome their fear of witnessing.

God bless… Continue

Posted on June 22, 2009 at 11:29pm

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 9:33pm on June 09, 2010, Kento Joshua Labrador gave Gordon Tippett a gift
At 3:06pm on March 02, 2010, Rika Ha gave Gordon Tippett a gift
At 4:42pm on May 25, 2009, Cecille said…
Dear Bro. Gordon,
Thank you for inviting me as your friends.. Your blogs are spirit-filled, willing to share your faith to everyone and experiences from Japan. Keep up with your faith in God. May God bless you too.
At 3:22pm on May 22, 2009, Rika Ha said…
Dear my Ojisan Gordon,
Thank you for inviting me.If we open the house door the city is full of the risk of infection...but the best thing we should do is just to live our life with fun like usual and a little care for others.Do you get a mask?I still don't have and no intention to buy.How about you?Please take care.God always loves and cares you!me too. xoxo
At 10:31am on May 8, 2009, Kazuo Okita said…
Dear Gordon,
Thank you too for sharing your challenge. Though I don't know exactly what books are suitable for it, I hope the books will help you even a little.
And thank you for adding me to your friend list as well.
Oh, I want to say one more thank you to you, for you have helped people in the English Bible class. Everyone is thursty for God's words and your native English.
See you in class!
your friend,
At 11:16pm on May 7, 2009, Muhannad Fakhoury said…
God bless you.
At 11:46am on May 7, 2009, anna gascon said…

Hola Gordon san...Thank you...Arigatou...Merci...Salamat...for adding me as your friend...Glad to see you here in Japan Prayer Link...thank you for the message...It is my pleasure and honour to be your friend. Love to you Gordon. Keep in touch.
At 10:24am on May 7, 2009, Rafael C. Gascon said…
Hello Brother Gordon May you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ , and be like him in every way . Shalom

As we all need to have more of him and be like Him
At 1:21am on April 29, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
You look young in your picture! How do you want us to celebrate your b-day?
At 11:32am on April 22, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Hi! Thanks for linking with us. I wish we could identify you better with your photo. Please reapply to join our group exclusively for AKC. Let's keeping praying for one another! - PJoseph

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