Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Kazuo Okita
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  • Kyoto
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Kazuo Okita's Friends

  • Kento Joshua Labrador
  • Michelle Tonks
  • Atsuko Waka
  • Nao Sakata
  • Rika Ha
  • Fiona Gebert
  • Cecille
  • Elmer M. Solano
  • Gordon Tippett
  • anna gascon
  • Masako Miyamoto

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 10:32pm on March 8, 2010, Atsuko Waka said…
Hello Kazuo san! Thank you for adding me:) It's nice to see you here. I haven't seen you for a while!
Hope to see you soon :) God bless you richly.
At 2:52pm on January 3, 2010, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Good to know you're doing OK. Yes, I agree with what you said. I hope this year take us deeper into our faith adventure.
At 12:35pm on January 2, 2010, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
How are you? How was your New Year's celebration? See you soon....

At 9:17pm on December 26, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Hi! We're you at the service last Thursday? I don't remember seeing you.

Anyway, may you have a blessed New Year ahead.

At 2:48pm on May 27, 2009, Fiona Gebert said…
Hi Kazuo, This is Fiona (was the Pastor at Nagaokakyo and returned to Australia at the end of 07). How are things?
At 2:12pm on May 25, 2009, Rika Ha said…
Hello! Kazuo-san
Be my friend!Let's share the prayers and thoughts and help each other to improve our English.
God bless
See you!

from Rika
At 11:42pm on May 14, 2009, Masako Miyamoto said…
Hi, Kazuo. I read your comment. The Bible class I am attending on Wednesdays is the same Bible class of Kyoto Assembly Church. I just change the time from 7pm. to 1pm. I am enjoying it with nice members in peaceful atmosphere in Christ. If the time fits you, why don't you join our class? Or are you talking about the Bible class at my house? If so, I am having it in Japanese. the style is the same as one of Assembly.
I am happy to talk to you further more, so please email me. My address is miyamoto@mx5.canvas.ne.jp
At 3:34am on May 14, 2009, Masako Miyamoto said…
Hi, Kazuo, It was nice to see you again at my exhibition. Thank you so much for your coming and giving your comment. God blessed my art show. To be honest, I have wondered to continue my job or to retire it, but I could confirm that He set me as an artist to testify His love through my works. In that meaning, my art show of this time was special for me. God gave me the opportunity to talk about the Bible class with a lady who came to my art show. She attended the first class with me. Praise the Lord!! Please play for her continually to come.
At 6:53pm on May 7, 2009, Gordon Tippett said…
Thanks for the help bro. God bless you Gordon
At 10:17am on April 22, 2009, Elmer M. Solano said…
glad to hear pastor joseph is your english mentor, he's good in that field.


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