Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Dear Friends and Loved ones:
Lately, Father has been blessing our work with success and new beginnings. We recently did an ad campaign for our English school and the Lord added 6 or 7 new students to our school. One is discussing it with her family. Also, my partner, Pastor Ralph Faerber, and I have started our (the Lord's) store on the internet to sell Japanese and Oriental goods to the world. This store is the beginning of 4 or 5 businesses which will be oriented to bringing the Gospel to Japan. Father showed me three years ago that I would be doing a Christian T-shirt business in Japan. I have been offered another Bible College to do in Japan and I want to have a translation team organized and on salary to translate books, internet info-sites, and curricula for colleges and schools. Christian books from the West would be sold in Japanese Christian Book Stores. My long term goal is to have access to mass media to teach Japan Christianity. I was taught by my leaders in Vineyard that when God calls you to missions--think big and God will honour your faith. He has spoken clearly to start the internet store(s) and has spoken clearly about doing the T-shirt business. I am working with a Pastor in the States concerning the Bible College. The translation team will be a must to make the college a reality.
However, this morning Father showed me that all of this is making the enemy angry. He has been attacking in various areas but this morning Father showed me that the enemy plans a massive "bombing" attack of the work. When Father shows you these things it is a call to worship and prayer. Therefore, I am asking you, my friends, to stand with me in prayer for the work in Japan and for protection against the enemy.
Please pray that Father will disperse His Holy War Angels against the enemy in the heavens to fight off any of the enemies forces that would try to hurt the work. This is a real battle and Jesus said that the enemy is the ruler and power of the air. In Daniel, we saw that God sent archangels to help Gabriel get the message through to Daniel and the angels had to fight the Princes of Persia and Greece.
Please pray for our students in our school that the enemy cannot influence their thinking and emotions to turn them against the school and their studies.
Please pray that the enemy can no longer influence our store suppliers to remove items that are good sellers. We have seen this happen recently.
Please pray that the Japanese will not panic with the recession and will continue to opt for Western Christian weddings to bless the missionary tentmakers who depend upon this for income.
Please pray that Japanese couples will opt for Christian style weddings and not for civic weddings with no Christian pastor.
Please pray for all the missionaries and pastors and their work in Japan as they sacrifice their time, money, and lives to bring the Gospel to the Japanese people. We all need protection and finances to do the work.

The enemy has used lack of finances, fatigue, discouragement, lonliness, and many more tactics to try to kill the work. But greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Jesus is the Sword that we swing. But we must swing the Sword. We have a job to do to pray, to learn how to fight and to fight.
And please remember to worship Father by using the praise language of King David and the elders and saints in Revelation as they said to Father how much they loved Him, praised Him, extol and exalt His Glorious Name, and told Him there is none like Him, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Holy One, Righteous One, Our Lord, God, Redeemer, Saviour, Friend. Say all of this to Him in worship as you give Him your full attention and focus your heart and mind on Him trying hard not to let your mind drift off of Him onto things of this life. Jesus told the woman at the well that the Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Father chases after those who will actively praise and worship Him.
Psalm 22:3 says that the Lord God of Israel inhabits/enthrones upon the praises of His people. Dick Eastman of Every Home For Christ taught that as we praise Him we build a spiritual throne upon which He comes and sits. And when the King comes, His authority and Kingdom comes and the enemy has to scatter. That is why the enemy hates this kind of praise and mocks it. This praise is Power and it defeats the enemy. This praise and worship brings God's glory into His church.
God bless you all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Gordon Tippett
Kyoto, Japan

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Thanks for your latest article/discussion. I know many will pray for you too.


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