Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

anna gascon
  • Female
  • Akashi City
  • Japan

Anna gascon's Friends

  • Nao Sakata
  • Jen Thomas
  • halka
  • Rika Ha
  • Antonius Silaen
  • Kiyoshi
  • alyssaingrid
  • Charissa Lecaros
  • jacqueline
  • Joyce Ricohermoso
  • Jirah Endoso
  • rony albaniel
  • Cerrone Cabanos
  • Cecille

Gifts Received (1)


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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 3:06pm on March 02, 2010, Rika Ha gave anna gascon a gift
At 2:44pm on December 31, 2009, Joyce Ricohermoso said…
Dear Tita Anna how are you we miss you both of you god bless poI don'tknow if it is right spelling

Love joyce
At 11:19pm on June 18, 2009, rony albaniel said…
Anna, it was good to see you this afternoon. Good to do that again...next time.
Take care and enjoy all your blessings!
All the best...
Aliw here
At 10:42am on June 12, 2009, rony albaniel said…
by the way, NICE PAGE! ...aliw and I are proud of you!
At 10:41am on June 12, 2009, rony albaniel said…
we are doing ok here in Nada...yosef is sooo lonely without his bros! we missed them, really. but they are doing fine back in Pinas, by God's grace. and they missed Kobe too!
Still struggling with Nihon-go but surviving each week, ayyy! talagang I go in His strength! yea, aliw can do some visiting over there one of these days!
she would love the places you go too, for art's sake. God bless! Us all...
At 4:42pm on June 10, 2009, Leena Fukui said…
Thank you for the lovely welcome, and I pray the Lord's blessing upon you too, and also upon everyone one on this link.
At 11:36am on June 5, 2009, rony albaniel said…
naku po, this is long overdue! many, mucho, ippai, dami THANKS for all gestures of kindness to the boys, aside from the worries over yohan! you have blessed them indeed with all the treats...bankarote na ba? hehehe.
well...the Lord has seen them all and will rightfully bless you both with your ever wacky partner.
glad to be working with you this side of the planet!!!aliw with ron.
At 10:11am on May 28, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
LOL!!! - PJoseph
At 11:24pm on May 27, 2009, Rika Ha said…
I'm so sorry...I have to appologize for my misunderstanding.Today I met PJoseph and I asked about you.I thought you are as different anna in Brazil.Please forget about this...mabuhai!Is it correct?
At 12:38am on May 27, 2009, Rika Ha said…
doumo kochirakoso yorosiku!

Does "Hola" mean like Hello in Portuguese?In my mind,Brazil is the country created Ceatano and Tom Jobin!I love them!
My biggest hobby is...ridding bicycle my mom gave to me,so precious time to think about my friends,family and myself.
then making simple clothes I can make,singing gospel in choir,watching beautiful people passing by,and eating!
I don't like to be taken picture so much, I noticed that I don't have photo of my own.So Let's see at church in very near future!

God bless you

from your new friend Rika


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