Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

  • Female
  • Kameoka, Kyoto
  • Japan

Halka's Friends

  • Kento Joshua Labrador
  • Michelle Tonks
  • Atsuko Waka
  • Nao Sakata
  • Ken Murashima
  • Rika Ha
  • Jo Ann Ricohermoso
  • Joyce Ricohermoso
  • Trey Rowzie
  • Chloe Harris
  • Naoko Matsunaga
  • Cerrone Cabanos
  • Cecille
  • Gordon Tippett
  • anna gascon

halka's Page

Halka's Blog

Prayer Request

Our grandma is very sick. She has pneumonia-like symptom. She can't eat by herself that Mom has to feed her. Grandma is 91 years old and with senile dementia. Mom is taking care of our sister, who is in vegetable state - where only autonomic nerve is working, too. Taking care of two people who needs full-time care is overwhelming. Indeed, Mom also has physical pains because of the hard work. Please pray for both Grandma and Mom.

Posted on July 29, 2009 at 10:10pm

God Will Take Care of Me

I knew I have kept thinking the ways go back home. In such and such situation, can I go back to Japan? How about in this situation? Is it a good excuse? No, the Lord is leading me to this land. Maybe I should take 6 classes sometimes, so I can cut off 1 semester... etc. Yesterday, I suddenly realized that I had ticket for Osaka on July 5th... today. I couldn't help myself but weeping. I prayed, "Lord, I still believe You are leading me to this country, to this school; but I wanna go home. I… Continue

Posted on July 5, 2009 at 11:34pm — 2 Comments

The Classes Are About To Begin

I signed up for 5 classes, which I need to take or I won't be able to finish the study in 3 years. The classes are;

-Theology I

-New Testament I

-Old Testament I

-Foundation of Christian Counseling

-Nature of Personhood

I'm excited to study God's Words professionaly and counseling, which I'm very interested in; although many Filippinos find them too much. Well, I love research. Also, as an international students, I am required to take 4-5 classes by the… Continue

Posted on June 27, 2009 at 12:00am — 1 Comment


I miss you Japan a lot. I miss my family, church, friends, and our puppy, more than I expected. Especially, when I'm alone in my room, the quietness speaks to me, "You are alone." I confess that I cried when I went to bed last night. I told God, "Lord, I'm lonely. I even feel I want to give up already, although I don't want to rationally. Help me! Confirm once again that You are the One Who called me here."

However, I woke up somehow feeling better. My face was just normal, no facial… Continue

Posted on June 19, 2009 at 2:04am — 7 Comments

halka's blog

I just opened my blog. I'll keep you updated on this site, but visit my blog, too.


Posted on June 15, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 9:33pm on June 09, 2010, Kento Joshua Labrador gave halka a gift
At 3:06pm on March 02, 2010, Rika Ha gave halka a gift
At 11:09pm on June 22, 2009, Gordon Tippett said…
Dear Lord Jesus:
I pray that your Holy Presence will envelope Hulka san and that will come along side of her in a special way as the friend that is close than a brother. Bless her worship times with an awesome filling of the Holy Spirit that will give her waves of peace and love. Let her be filled with your grace.
In Jesus Name
At 10:50pm on June 22, 2009, rony albaniel said…
Okay...and if ever we are in Manila, we will visit you there. We will be in touch with you of any plans...
For now, enjoy His fellowship, His Word, His love shown in many ways to you each day! He is faithful and good!
Trust Him for He is the Excellent Guide! our Wonderful Counselor.
At 9:40am on June 19, 2009, rony albaniel said…
What can I do for you, Halka? as long as I can...within my powers, sure! Email me for the instructions at aliw.albaniel@yahoo.com.
Abounding grace for all of us today...God is good!
Aliw here.
At 11:32pm on June 18, 2009, Rika Ha said…
At 11:07pm on June 17, 2009, Rika Ha said…
At 11:45am on June 17, 2009, Rafael C. Gascon said…
Welcome to the Philippines , God is your Shield and your ever Present help .........May you continue to Grow in love with Jesus , we love you .
Enjoy it there , it will be a great adventure in the Lord and growth in Faith
At 10:09am on June 17, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Thank God!

I already sent messages to P. Nanding and Mellani concerning you. Of course, they do not have your contact number yet. They will expect you to call them sometime later.

At 12:38am on June 13, 2009, Rika Ha said…
Hi Halka.I'm Harika.
Thank you for adding me.It's so nice to see you cherishing your dream and hope for new life in another place,but it's so sad I can't see you singing,talking,moving on every sunday!
I feel something close in you.Do you feel the same?You are so smart and cool,I'm not educated and sophisticated.But there must be something not so far between me and you.おもいこみ?
Keep in touch after you leave and report your life in philippine.
See you on Sunday.

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