Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

keith a. bouy
  • Male
  • Lake Villa, IL
  • United States

Keith a. bouy's Friends

  • Nao Sakata
  • junko mori
  • Jen Thomas
  • Rika Ha
  • Trey Rowzie
  • Mami Ghone
  • Gordon Tippett
  • Rafael C. Gascon

keith a. bouy's Page

keith a. bouy's Photos

Keith a. bouy's Blog

My trip to Japan

I just returned from my best trip to Japan where I had fellowship with Pastor Joseph, missionaries and other members of the church. We had a wonderful time of preaching, teaching and one-on-one fellowship and ministry.

Every time I come to Japan my eyes are opened more and more to the needs of my brothers and sisters in Christ and to the multitudes that are yet lost. It makes me pray even more with my mouth as well as with my heart to cry out to God, have mercy. I ask Him what can I… Continue

Posted on May 2, 2009 at 3:58am — 2 Comments

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At 3:06pm on March 02, 2010, Rika Ha gave keith a. bouy a gift
At 11:51am on June 17, 2009, Rafael C. Gascon said…
God burden you more to Pray for Japan and its Leaders and Missionaries
At 6:52pm on May 7, 2009, Gordon Tippett said…
Hey hey hey. Your home again and off for Israel. Thank you so much for all your help. I am doing great. Love you bro. Will you be my friend?
God bless you
At 10:18am on May 7, 2009, Rafael C. Gascon said…
Thank You brother for upholding Japan in prayer and in your heart , do ask other like minded people to storm the heavens for a great harvest here in Japan .

You are indeed a Forerunner ........ Agape Bro. Raffy Gascon
At 4:16pm on May 1, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Dear Bro. Keith,

How was your trip? I hope it was pleasant.

Just to thank you again for your visit and for blessing us. We will wait for your blog on your trip here.

God bless!!!

At 11:14am on April 22, 2009, Joseph Ricohermoso said…
Hi! Thanks for linking with us. I wish we could identify you better with your photo. This network was birthed after prayer! As you can see, we now have some 70 members two days after its launch. Let's keeping praying for one another! - PJoseph


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