Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

I signed up for 5 classes, which I need to take or I won't be able to finish the study in 3 years. The classes are;

-Theology I
-New Testament I
-Old Testament I
-Foundation of Christian Counseling
-Nature of Personhood

I'm excited to study God's Words professionaly and counseling, which I'm very interested in; although many Filippinos find them too much. Well, I love research. Also, as an international students, I am required to take 4-5 classes by the government, anyway.

Spending 10 days in the Philippines, I often remember a Japanese children's song, called "南の島のハメハメハ大王-King Hamehameha in Southern Island" The way Filippino people live is slightly different from the song, but I think they have same kind of spirit in some point. I mean, Filippino people somewhat seem to live freer and easier than we, Japanese, do. I guess many Japanese think of this song with some yarning and longing. I feel the same thing toward Filippino people, not all the aspects, but at least in some points.

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Comment by Mami Ghone on June 27, 2009 at 7:09pm
Hi halka san, the courses sound so exciting! All the best for it ; )

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