Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

I miss you Japan a lot. I miss my family, church, friends, and our puppy, more than I expected. Especially, when I'm alone in my room, the quietness speaks to me, "You are alone." I confess that I cried when I went to bed last night. I told God, "Lord, I'm lonely. I even feel I want to give up already, although I don't want to rationally. Help me! Confirm once again that You are the One Who called me here."

However, I woke up somehow feeling better. My face was just normal, no facial swelling. I went to shopping to get what I need, and other Japanese students, who are a couple, helped me. We shared how we are called, about our church background, and they explained me how the classes go.

Then, my family skyped me. Later, my friend from church skyped me, too. It helped me not to feel loneliness today. Thank God for His answer of my prayer!

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Comment by halka on June 21, 2009 at 8:05pm
Thank you, all, for the encouragement, loving words, and prayer. I can't find words to fully explain how encouraging you are! It makes me cry again, not only missing you, but also knowing many people love me and pray for me. I guess God is smiling at these tears. God bless you!
Comment by Mami Ghone on June 19, 2009 at 10:17pm
Hey! God's with you! Don't listen to the voice of the enermy. When enermy is unhappy about you, he will whisper you so many lies! But God always cares for you and feels for you! I pray that you will be filled with the joy of God! Joy of the lord is your strength! :)
Comment by milagros paunil on June 19, 2009 at 10:11pm
Hi Halka! you see God led me to this link tonight after a long time. Were you able to buy your ref already? We waited for your text again. Keep in touch, we are just around, just a text away. See you soon. Meanwhile, God promised His loving presence to you, He never sleeps and you are the apple of His eyes...so smile!
Comment by Jo Ann Ricohermoso on June 19, 2009 at 7:41pm
"God is real, no matter how you feel.To mature your friendship,God will test with periods of seeming separation- times when it feels you are alone." - Rick Warren
Take courage many people are praying for you.
Comment by Cecille on June 19, 2009 at 6:11pm
"No one will be able to oppose you successfully as long as you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will never neglect you or abandon you"- Joshua 1:5 May you always hold this God's promise and never feel alone Sis Halka,.. and with all of our prayers may you feel comfort and put your trust in the Lord always.Smile.. Jesus loves you!
Comment by halka on June 19, 2009 at 5:40pm
Thank you for the encouragement. It made me cry again... but it was a good cry :)
Comment by rony albaniel on June 19, 2009 at 9:53am
The One who made the ears, does hear...and heard your cries for encouragement. He made the eyes and really sees all.(Psa 94:9) He loves you very dearly. And He promised!...to never leave alone, let alone forsake nor abandon you! He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."(Exodus 33:14)Wow...the King of kings is serving you!
With you in your journey...

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