Hi everyone :D
It's been a long time since I updated here.
I have been staying in Kyoto since the mid December.
Kyoto is the city I grew up, but since I now live in Australia, I only get to visit once in few years.
The purpose of this visit is to do God's ministry, particularly evangelism in Kyoto.
This visit has been amazing!
What I do here in Kyoto:
- Work part time at Yatsuhashi (= triangular shaped sweets made of rice) shop
Added by Mami Ghone on January 20, 2010 at 8:21pm —
Dear Brethren
With New Year's comes resolutions and goals. May our new resolution for the year be nothing but Christ and Him crucified.
Wishing you all a prosperous New Year!
Pastor Gerry & Family
Added by German P. Orgasan, Jr. on January 1, 2010 at 8:39pm —
1 Comment
I love December for several reasons. One, this is the month we celebrate CHRISTmas and my wife’s birthday too. Two, there’s something special in the air. I don’t know if it’s the cold spell of winter or the prospect of “crossing over” to the New Year. There is something mysterious about it that reminds me of times past. Three, I definitely love the Christmas carols and music that I hear around this time of year.
Speaking of Christmas carols/music, I…
Added by Joseph Ricohermoso on December 24, 2009 at 12:31am —
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Please check this out. Copy and paste it into your address bar on the top of your internet page, please.
Added by Gordon Tippett on November 29, 2009 at 2:42pm —
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Tropical storm Ondoy (international code name Ketsana) that hit the Philippines Saturday (26 September) brought 85-100 kph of gustiness and 455 millimeters (or more than a month's amount) of rain in just 24 hours, which caused flooding in Metro Manila and neighboring provinces. As of 29 September 240 (and counting) were killed because of the storm, 32 were missing, and more than 400,000 were displaced.
The affected areas are Metro Manila, the…
Added by Joseph Ricohermoso on October 11, 2009 at 3:05pm —
1 Comment
See this news article:
Just to let you know that this information also tells a lot about the current situation and the future of japan as a nation.
Added by Joseph Ricohermoso on September 28, 2009 at 1:30pm —
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In Japan, many people are pinning their hopes on the newly elected prime minister and his party that came to power last September 16 after a landslide victory against the former ruling coalition. The political contest is touted to be historic since the current party has ousted a more dominant political machinery that ruled Japan for over half a century since the end of World War II.
PRAYER POINT: Psalm 118:9 (NASB) – “It is better to take refuge in the…
Added by Joseph Ricohermoso on September 18, 2009 at 12:36pm —
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Dear Partners&Friends,
Greetings from hot&humid Kobe. It's summer time here...
On our 6th month here, we felt like it's been ages since we've arrived! How is it so? We have started to do the routines of weekly activities, even of the daily ones, since April. Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, English classes on Thursdays(7 students), Fridays(1) and Saturdays(3 adults/6kids).
Nihon-go lessons for Rony every Tues&Fridays and Aliw has hers every Saturdays. Sunday…
Added by rony albaniel on September 3, 2009 at 10:30am —
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Dear Father’s children:
When you live alone, the enemy loves to use it as an opportunity to attack. Last Friday night, I did myself in as usual on Friday nights by thinking, “Wow, its Friday, what are my friends doing? Where can I go? Who can I call?” In the West, Friday is the first evening of the weekend and the work week is done. It is a joke at work to say TGIF which means Thank God It’s Friday. Traditionally, friends and relatives get together or husbands and wives, girlfriends and…
Added by Gordon Tippett on September 1, 2009 at 8:00am —
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KGK is Japanese Christian College Students Club.
KGK is an evengelical, over-denominations group.
Many students join KGK from different denominations such as Assemblies of God, JECA (Japan Evengelical Church Assosiation), Baptist and so on.
By the way, my church is Assemblies of God.
KGK students do Bible studies, prayer meetings and so on in their college around Japan.
And in last week, many regions of KGK held "KGK Summer School".
I took part in the one in…
Added by Kouhei Aoki on August 28, 2009 at 7:30pm —
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Dear Friends:
I received a request to accept as a friend Jen Thomas. I may be forgetful but I don't know a Jen Thomas. Do any of you know a Jen Thomas. With her request is a note that she made $913.00 doing work for google. She gives a mail@japan prayer link email address which is very generic. It has the markings of a hoax so don't accept this if you don't know this person. Hoaxers play on our greed for money to accept and ask them questions.
God bless
Added by Gordon Tippett on August 15, 2009 at 6:01am —
1 Comment
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
I always think about the value of one life, and what happens…
Added by Mami Ghone on August 9, 2009 at 11:33pm —
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Our grandma is very sick. She has pneumonia-like symptom. She can't eat by herself that Mom has to feed her. Grandma is 91 years old and with senile dementia. Mom is taking care of our sister, who is in vegetable state - where only autonomic nerve is working, too. Taking care of two people who needs full-time care is overwhelming. Indeed, Mom also has physical pains because of the hard work. Please pray for both Grandma and Mom.
Added by halka on July 29, 2009 at 10:10pm —
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I knew I have kept thinking the ways go back home. In such and such situation, can I go back to Japan? How about in this situation? Is it a good excuse? No, the Lord is leading me to this land. Maybe I should take 6 classes sometimes, so I can cut off 1 semester... etc. Yesterday, I suddenly realized that I had ticket for Osaka on July 5th... today. I couldn't help myself but weeping. I prayed, "Lord, I still believe You are leading me to this country, to this school; but I wanna go home. I…
Added by halka on July 5, 2009 at 11:34pm —
I signed up for 5 classes, which I need to take or I won't be able to finish the study in 3 years. The classes are;
-Theology I
-New Testament I
-Old Testament I
-Foundation of Christian Counseling
-Nature of Personhood
I'm excited to study God's Words professionaly and counseling, which I'm very interested in; although many Filippinos find them too much. Well, I love research. Also, as an international students, I am required to take 4-5 classes by the…
Added by halka on June 27, 2009 at 12:00am —
1 Comment
Dear Mamie san:
My sincere apologies. My entries on the Forum page bumped you to page 2 and people have to click the 2 to find you. Please don't forget about Mamie sans invitation to introduce yourself to us. Her note is on page 2 of the Forum.
God bless you all
Added by Gordon Tippett on June 23, 2009 at 8:44am —
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Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Please check out my message in the Forum section. I believe God has given us a way to reach the lost in Japan in a way they can relate to and a way that takes them from where they are at to Jesus. I pray we can raise up evangelism teams to do street witnessing with Christians who are prepared to know what to say and who have confidence from their knowledge and wisdom in handling the Gospel message to overcome their fear of witnessing.
God bless…
Added by Gordon Tippett on June 22, 2009 at 11:29pm —
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I miss you Japan a lot. I miss my family, church, friends, and our puppy, more than I expected. Especially, when I'm alone in my room, the quietness speaks to me, "You are alone." I confess that I cried when I went to bed last night. I told God, "Lord, I'm lonely. I even feel I want to give up already, although I don't want to rationally. Help me! Confirm once again that You are the One Who called me here."
However, I woke up somehow feeling better. My face was just normal, no facial…
Added by halka on June 19, 2009 at 2:04am —
Kyoto is the city I spent the first 18 years of my life.
It's a beautiful city, although I grew up hating it.
By God's grace, I've overcome the bitterness and now His love fills me when I think of Kyoto.
So I'm writing this as a testimony : )
There is so much discrimination against the outsiders in Kyoto.
In Kyoto, to be considered as a local, you have to be at least the 8th generation.
Hope it makes sense. It meanse your great great great great great…
Added by Mami Ghone on June 16, 2009 at 10:39pm —
I just opened my blog. I'll keep you updated on this site, but visit my blog, too.
Added by halka on June 15, 2009 at 6:00pm —