Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Mami Ghone
  • Female
  • Brisbane
  • Australia

Mami Ghone's Friends

  • Jason Lee
  • Naomi Bevan
  • Kento Joshua Labrador
  • Michelle Tonks
  • Atsuko Waka
  • Nao Sakata
  • Int.  Evangelist   Roger  Smiley
  • Rika Ha
  • Antonius Silaen
  • Jo Ann Ricohermoso
  • Trey Rowzie
  • Chloe Harris
  • rony albaniel
  • Cerrone Cabanos
  • Cecille

Mami Ghone's Discussions

Let's say hello to everyone!
17 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by halka Jun 12, 2009.


Mami Ghone's Page

Mami Ghone's Blog

Easy Gospel Songs to Practice in Japanese!

Hi everyone,

I am unofficially translating many English gospel songs into Japanese.

Like I said, it's unofficial, I don't know what kind of permission you need to have to officially translate gospel songs....I thought I want to share with u some of the easiest songs I have translated, so that you can praise God in Japanese in your own time. It is truly wonderful to praise God in different languages, more so if your first language is Japanese.



Posted on September 10, 2010 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Extreme Makeover: Jesus edition

I liked the analogy I used to illustrate the meaning of sanctification (= the process of being changed by Jesus) in small Bible class. I liked it so much so I decided to share it here, instead of keeping it in myself and thinking that I did such a good job. hehe

There's a TV program called Extreme Makeover: Home edition

(Japanese version is: "…


Posted on May 24, 2010 at 8:45am — 4 Comments

Something I love about being a friend of Jesus

I have a BIG passion for sharing things I love, be it the smallest things like food (esp sweets), anime, teddy bears, music, movies, or something much bigger, Jesus.

In fact I'm quite good at sharing my passion, and my passion for funny things (like veggies and bears) is quite contageous. My housemate who never used to eat veggies now enjoy veggies when I cook for her :p

I just love to share what I love, and telling people what I love about the things I…


Posted on April 11, 2010 at 5:49pm — 4 Comments

Japanese Bible Class in Brisbane

Hi everyone,

I have been busy and it's been a while since I actually sat back and reflected about God.

Here in Brisbane, there are two major Japanese Christian groups.

One actually has a service called i-church, and another one is Japanese Christian Fellowship, which I have recently been joining when I can. I join their Bible study on Friday mornings.

They also have a…


Posted on March 29, 2010 at 2:33pm — 2 Comments

Planning for the next visit

Hi friends in JPL :D

As many of you know, I am currently working on a honours thesis (peacebuilding in Timor Leste) in the Univ. of Queensland in Australia.

The submission for this thesis will be on the 29th of October this year.

I recently received a chance to apply for World Peace Conference for Youth in Osaka, which will be held between 1st-8th of November, which happens to be 2 days after my thesis submission.

100 university students from all over the world will be selected… Continue

Posted on March 8, 2010 at 10:49am — 3 Comments

Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 9:33pm on June 09, 2010, Kento Joshua Labrador gave Mami Ghone a gift
At 8:08am on May 30, 2010, Rika Ha said…
God morning!Mami-chan!
how is your condition?feel better?
why does the cold I'm having last so long?!I cant stop something like water come down from my nose!and cant wipe it coz my hands are now punching the keyboards!
Please remember to keep yourself warm.
take care.
Have a blessed sunday!
At 12:18am on May 9, 2010, Rika Ha said…
you are worring about the attack for the churches in Kyoto,especially AKC right?
I heard nothing from them.maybe it's ok...Please don't be too much narvous about that...
God bless.Good night.
At 11:28pm on May 6, 2010, Rika Ha said…
Yes.Let's treat this matter as an urgent,continuous prayer.for the region made us grow.Thank you for thinking of and praying for this.Mami.Good night.
At 8:06pm on April 24, 2010, Jason Lee said…
coolies, yea I heard naomi will be there for a long time so you guys can meet up and shake the nations there :p
At 1:41am on April 23, 2010, Rika Ha said…
Thank you so much for caring me and sorry for my late reply Mami-chan!
I've been so isogashii these days!






with love.Rika
At 9:08pm on April 14, 2010, Jason Lee said…
Oooh cool... Ive heard of kyoto and would love to hear what God is doing there. No sadly I havent been there yet but would love to visit there end of this year and visit Hope Tokyo as well. Mmm you woudld probably see us the next conference in brissy or you can come celebrate our Anniversary with us this sunday lol.
At 10:58pm on April 9, 2010, Jason Lee said…
ive been in hopegc since 2006 as well lol. yea I am, actually God has put the burden in my heart and I've already dreamt of great things for Japan, its huge and hard but nothing is impossible through God :) in short... I want to believe for a revival in
Japan. im malaysian chinese but i have a lot of people thinking I'm Japanese lol @_@

Where's your blog posts? Im still new to the site so navigation is still a bit confusing for me sorry!
At 3:00pm on April 9, 2010, Jason Lee said…
Hi Mami, nice to meet you too ^^ yea I;m from Hope Gold Coast but you probably seen me arnd during OC and Conferences in Brissy. So that might be me.. maybe lol
At 12:47am on March 8, 2010, Atsuko Waka said…
Hi Mami! Thanks for the invitation♥♥
I will pray that you will be able to come back to Japan for the conference.
I'm looking forward to seeing you and praying together.
God bless you sis!!

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