3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
I always think about the value of one life, and what happens when 1,000,000 lives that have same value gather together.
Is it 1 X 1,000,000 worth of lives?
We all know that when something bad happens to our precious ones, we feel for them, cry with them and pray to God (whether you believe one or not, you still pray) about them.
100 people commit suicide every single day in Japan.
25,000 people die of hunger every single day around the world.
30,000 people die from flu in Australia every year.
These figures always make me think a lot. I feel sad that I cannot feel for them, yet at the same time I'm glad that I don't. Mum said to me before, that is the only thing fortunate about us human.
Sometime I get depressed that I feel for one particular person.
There are so many lives going through the same things and why do I care this one so much and not others? These things just make me realise that I'm mere human.
And I feel great sense of peace when I read the passages in the Bible.
This morning it was the verse shared above (Psalm 8:3-4).
I find peace in the fact that there is God who care for mankind, and his love is not relative.
God's love is 100% for all mankind, 100% for me, 100% for me and mum and dad, and another 100% for you, you and your family and friends....list continues.
Glad that I didn't take maths seriously....haha
So I believe that for God, there is no difference between 1times 1, 1times 100, or one times 6,500,000,000. It all comes out infinite for all people.
That really gives me great sense of peace, to know there is someone who does what's incapable of me, and also to know that I am not condemned by not being able to care for all.
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