Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Mami Ghone's Blog (15)

Easy Gospel Songs to Practice in Japanese!

Hi everyone,

I am unofficially translating many English gospel songs into Japanese.

Like I said, it's unofficial, I don't know what kind of permission you need to have to officially translate gospel songs....I thought I want to share with u some of the easiest songs I have translated, so that you can praise God in Japanese in your own time. It is truly wonderful to praise God in different languages, more so if your first language is Japanese.



Added by Mami Ghone on September 10, 2010 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Extreme Makeover: Jesus edition

I liked the analogy I used to illustrate the meaning of sanctification (= the process of being changed by Jesus) in small Bible class. I liked it so much so I decided to share it here, instead of keeping it in myself and thinking that I did such a good job. hehe

There's a TV program called Extreme Makeover: Home edition

(Japanese version is: "…


Added by Mami Ghone on May 24, 2010 at 8:45am — 4 Comments

Something I love about being a friend of Jesus

I have a BIG passion for sharing things I love, be it the smallest things like food (esp sweets), anime, teddy bears, music, movies, or something much bigger, Jesus.

In fact I'm quite good at sharing my passion, and my passion for funny things (like veggies and bears) is quite contageous. My housemate who never used to eat veggies now enjoy veggies when I cook for her :p

I just love to share what I love, and telling people what I love about the things I…


Added by Mami Ghone on April 11, 2010 at 5:49pm — 4 Comments

Japanese Bible Class in Brisbane

Hi everyone,

I have been busy and it's been a while since I actually sat back and reflected about God.

Here in Brisbane, there are two major Japanese Christian groups.

One actually has a service called i-church, and another one is Japanese Christian Fellowship, which I have recently been joining when I can. I join their Bible study on Friday mornings.

They also have a…


Added by Mami Ghone on March 29, 2010 at 2:33pm — 2 Comments

Planning for the next visit

Hi friends in JPL :D

As many of you know, I am currently working on a honours thesis (peacebuilding in Timor Leste) in the Univ. of Queensland in Australia.

The submission for this thesis will be on the 29th of October this year.

I recently received a chance to apply for World Peace Conference for Youth in Osaka, which will be held between 1st-8th of November, which happens to be 2 days after my thesis submission.

100 university students from all over the world will be selected… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on March 8, 2010 at 10:49am — 3 Comments

Joy (my personal testimony, nothing to do with Japan, hehe)

A breakthrough of the year, I've overcome the fear of singing :D

I decided to join the church choir for Easter this year :)

I came to believe in Jesus through gospel music.

I always loved singing, and the power I felt through gospel music was phenomenal in my life.

And that's how I became aware of something "spiritual".

It's been many years since I first knew gospel music as a mean to express my heart, maybe 7



Added by Mami Ghone on February 27, 2010 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

as awkward as it seems....

I have started a year degree of writing Honour's Thesis with the School of Social Science in the University of Queensland, Australia. This gives me a very narrow opportunity to get into PhD curriculum, by Feb 2011.

I am aiming for that path, because of my love for studies and also my heart to work in Japanese universities and be the person of influence in a few years time. (I hope I am not repeating myself from other entries...).

Although I've become more sure that God…


Added by Mami Ghone on February 22, 2010 at 5:58pm — 2 Comments

the beautiful provision of God - friendship!

Over the years, God has taught me many times that He does not only give you the word of comfort in times of trouble, but He also gives you practical help in times of need.

Friendship has surely be one of the most precious provision of God for me these years.

During this trip in Kyoto, God keeps me amazed with His provision, especially friends. :)

During this trip alone, I met many people who share the same heart for the people in Kyoto and also for the young… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on January 27, 2010 at 10:51pm — No Comments

Chii Roba ちいろば (ever ridden donkey)

From the Bible, we know that when Jesus went to the city of Jerusarem, he rode a young donkey who has never been ridden by anyone before.

This tells us that Jesus uses such small things/people, that don't worth much for other people .

Pastor Enomoto Yasuro, who established a local church in the 60s' in the area I live today, was very inspired by the ever ridden donkey.

Many pastors in Japan speak highly of him (oh, Pastor Enomoto is an amazing person, that's… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on January 23, 2010 at 8:16pm — No Comments

My Kyoto Visit

Hi everyone :D

It's been a long time since I updated here.

I have been staying in Kyoto since the mid December.

Kyoto is the city I grew up, but since I now live in Australia, I only get to visit once in few years.

The purpose of this visit is to do God's ministry, particularly evangelism in Kyoto.

This visit has been amazing!

What I do here in Kyoto:

- Work part time at Yatsuhashi (= triangular shaped sweets made of rice) shop

-… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on January 20, 2010 at 8:21pm — 3 Comments

What is man?

3 When I consider your heavens,

the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him,

the son of man that you care for him?

Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)

I always think about the value of one life, and what happens… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on August 9, 2009 at 11:33pm — No Comments

Kyoto, my hometown

Kyoto is the city I spent the first 18 years of my life.

It's a beautiful city, although I grew up hating it.

By God's grace, I've overcome the bitterness and now His love fills me when I think of Kyoto.

So I'm writing this as a testimony : )

There is so much discrimination against the outsiders in Kyoto.

In Kyoto, to be considered as a local, you have to be at least the 8th generation.

Hope it makes sense. It meanse your great great great great great… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on June 16, 2009 at 10:39pm — 4 Comments

Strange feelings...

Today I received so many different news.

Happy ones and sad ones.

Me and my housemate, who is a sister in Christ, sometimes say that God must be so busy feeling sad and happy at the same time with different people.

I'm seeing good side and bad side of the world and had this beautiful revelation today that

He sees everything that's happening in the world. It is Him who rejoice the most for the happy ones, and it is also Him who grieves the most to the… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on June 11, 2009 at 5:52pm — 1 Comment


Japan Prayer Link has been such a blessing to me.

It's so encouraging to know different ones serving for the nation.

I struggled so much living in Kyoto, although I grew up there.

What more if I were a foreigner...?!

I just admire pastor joseph and the family, and the different ones serving in Japan.

You are really amazing!

Pray that you will be blessed so much by Jesus!

I am preparing for my two months trip to Japan in December. I cannot… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on June 6, 2009 at 2:17pm — No Comments


Hi fellow brothers and sisters.

I am not sure how loud this news is internationally, or even on Japanese media.

My mother and I are grieving for the increase of the people who commit suicide daily in Japan.

In December 2008, it was 83 people committing suicide everyday, just within Japan. It is a significant number and we must not overlook this.

However, this month, it has increased even more, and 100 people daily commit suicide.

I am not here to… Continue

Added by Mami Ghone on May 30, 2009 at 6:02am — 5 Comments


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