Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Hi friends in JPL :D
As many of you know, I am currently working on a honours thesis (peacebuilding in Timor Leste) in the Univ. of Queensland in Australia.
The submission for this thesis will be on the 29th of October this year.
I recently received a chance to apply for World Peace Conference for Youth in Osaka, which will be held between 1st-8th of November, which happens to be 2 days after my thesis submission.
100 university students from all over the world will be selected for the conference, and I will be applying for this.

This conference will be a great opportunity for me to meet Japanese academics, and I am hoping to form some sort of connections with them for my future career/ministry.

Not only that, the conference will offer me 2 ways ticket to Osaka, accomodation & meals during the conference.

If I get to join the conference, I am planning to stay in Kyoto for a month to join the Bible studies again.

I was always planning on a short visit to Kyoto in December this year, so if I get this scholarship, it will lift financial burden on me greatly.

I think this will be a perfect plan for me, and I really don't want to miss this opportunity.

Please pray for me that if this is God's will, the door will be opened for me no matter what the enemy is thinking!

Looking forward to seeing you in November!



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Comment by Rika Ha on March 9, 2010 at 2:07am
Hi,Mami chan!
of course I'll pray for you!accomplishment of your thesis,ticket to the conference,good encounters with good persons who lift you up,opportunity to get scholarship and your Kyoto visit!
See you in November!
Comment by Cecille on March 8, 2010 at 4:42pm
BEST of Blessings!.. For with God nothing shall be impossible--- Luke 1:37 May you continue to trust Gods will . All Good Things Come From God - John 9:1-7 therefore anything , anything at all any opportunity.. if you only tune in and work hard for it you will have it! GO FOR IT ! sis Mami.
Comment by Joseph Ricohermoso on March 8, 2010 at 12:58pm
Hello, Mami-san! That is so exciting! We will be praying for God's will on this matter. We hope to see you then.

Pastor Joseph


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