Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Japan Calamity on Three-Eleven

The mighty oceans have roared, O Lord. The mighty oceans roar like thunder; the mighty oceans roar as they pound the shore. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore — the Lord above is mightier than these! (Psalm 93:3–4, NLT)

The earthquakes and tsunami in Japan are two of the most horrific natural disasters in recent history, with over 1000 confirmed dead (at the time of this report) and thousands still missing. In addition to this tragic death toll, there exists a high probability that disease will claim thousands more in the coming months.

With a natural disaster as grave as this, it is vital that the body of Christ responds through fervent prayer and sensible action.

Prayer is the most effective way that we can help. I ask that we make a serious commitment to prayer in this time of tragedy. As Christians, we must keep this disaster at the top of our prayer lists. Every time we hear recent news on this event, we must pray and pray specifically!

The following are some suggested ways to pray:

Pray for the people affected by this disaster every time you hear about it.

Pray for the healing of the injured.

Pray for the families who have lost loved ones.

Pray for those people who have lost their homes.

Pray that disease and the spread of disease are avoided.

Pray that nuclear disaster would be averted.

Pray for the wisdom, safety, and strength of relief workers.

Pray for an opportunity to minister in a tangible way.

Pray that the gospel will be proclaimed and heard by those who have never heard it before.


In addition to prayer, we should take action in every way possible. Here are some Christ-like ways for you to make a difference in this time of need:

Give: You can help fund the efforts in Japan through your financial support. We are partnering with our brethren from many places to bring about the needed support to the most affected. Your faithful gift will be directly given to the relief and recovery efforts.

Likewise, we will accept food, water, and other basic necessities in due time. Please wait for our instructions when to bring those.

Share: It’s easy for people to blame or question God during times like these. I encourage you to take this opportunity to share the love and grace of God with those struggling with the magnitude of this tragedy.

Volunteer: Please consider joining us in reaching out and helping the survivors.

It is my prayer that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God directs you to minister Jesus to those in need, whether it is by volunteering, through your faithful support or prayer.






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Comment by junko mori on March 17, 2011 at 8:36pm

Pastor Joseph, thank you so much for sharing the verse "Psalm 93:3-4" and appealing us to pray specificly with your love for Japan.

This statement and the sequent "Prayer list" that you sent to each of members yesterday uraged my heart to pray fervently.


Knowing your love for Japan and you and your country friends, brethern from all over the world are praying for my beloved country gives me power to pray and strenghten my spirit.

May God make us one to pray for Japanese people!!




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