Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Thank you very much for keeping us in your prayers.


Since the tragic events in Japan on March 11th, many people have been confirmed dead, surpassing the death toll recorded in the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995 in Kobe, Japan. Moreover, some 13,000 people are still missing or are presumed dead. This number doesn't include those who have never been reported as missing -- like those from the coastal towns that were obliterated by the tsunami. Nevertheless, there's never a dearth for reasons to praise God.


Here's an excerpt from the prayer list posted by Anne Winters from another site as of March 22, 2011:


  • Praise God for his continued provision and protection for the hundreds of thousands of people in Japan who have been touched by this tragedy. As bad as this is, we acknowledge that things could have been much worse, so we praise God that so many have survived, and that so many are safe.
  • The news focuses on the many, many horrible things that have happened in this tragedy, and we are heartbroken, but we praise God for the amazing stories of survival and reunion that have been coming out of Tohoku since the day of the disaster. The lives of many have been spared, and as people continue to be reunited with loved ones for whom they feared the worst, we praise God for even the smallest of blessings.
  • We praise God for the love and support that has poured in from all over the world since this nightmare began. Truly, God is blessing Japan through His people all over the world, and we are humbled, touched, and overwhelmed by the love we have been shown.
  • We praise God for the organization and fortitude of our friends and neighbors. The Japanese people are bearing this tragedy with impressive discipline and sacrifice, and we praise God for the respectfulness and mutual concern native to this culture which has led the people of Japan to act with swiftness and dedication to help their countrymen.
  • As of March 19, the Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that electricity will not stop from March 19th - March 27th. Praise God!
  • God is bringing people together from all over the world to help Japan, both with her physical needs, and her spiritual needs. God is on the move in Japan.
  • Even as late as Sunday, March 20th, living survivors are being found. We praise God for that, and we pray for His strength to sustain further survivors.

To God be the glory!!!


Pastor Joseph

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