Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

In the most recent issue of the NEWS, March 2011, we ran an article about
Shahbaz Bhatti  on page 2.  The following article appeared in the March 3
issue of Breaking Christian News.   You may have already seen this, but for
those who haven't, we send this update and concur with the closing paragraph.
God bless you, we keep all of you in prayer!
            Hugh <>/strong>
A Brave Servant of Christ Pays the Ultimate Price for His Courage
by Aimee Herd : Mar 3, 2011 : Michelle A. Vu – Christian Post

"I am mindful that in the struggle to protect the religious freedom, the rights of minorities…I can be assassinated. I can be killed. But I will continue to follow the principles that I believe. I will continue to raise the voice of the voiceless. And I will not feel fear because of these threats because I follow Jesus Christ who has given His own life for us…." –Shahbaz Bhatti

EDITOR'S NOTE: While BCN strives to focus on the good things God is doing in the world, there are cases that sometimes call for prayer, or just acknowledgement of the Christ-like bravery of those who have gone Home. Such is the case with Shahbaz Bhatti, who was killed on Wednesday. But as we mourn a great loss to the Christian Church, remember we don't mourn without hope. And even as we remember the Jewish feast of Purim at this time of year; I know that God never leaves His people, and He can raise up another to help bring courage to persecuted Believers in Pakistan, just like He raised upQueen Esther "for such a time as this." -Aimee Herd, BCN.

Shahbaz BhattiThe Pakistani Minister for Minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti—who worked tirelessly on behalf of Christians and minorities in Pakistan, to give them a voice and try to gain their protection—was gunned down reportedly by the Taliban, on Wednesday, March 2nd. (Photo: Reuters/Faisal Mahmood)

Perhaps he somehow knew something might happen that day since he told his security guards—who usually travel with him—to stay home.

Bhatti had indeed been receiving death threats, according to aChristian Post interview, after speaking out against Pakistan's blasphemy laws which had been used as the basis for the arrest of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five.

Bibi is the first woman to be condemned to death under the law, and Bhatti was working hard to have her released.

"I want to make it clear that I am mindful that in the struggle to protect the religious freedom, the rights of minorities, and to raise the voice against the blasphemy law, I can be assassinated. I can be killed," admitted Bhatti in the CP interview.

"But I will continue to follow the principles that I believe," he said. "I will continue to raise the voice of the voiceless. And I will not feel fear because of these threats because I follow Jesus Christ who has given His own life for us. So as a follower of Christ, my destiny is to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves."

BCN urges our readers to be praying for Pakistan, and fellow Believers there; comfort for Shahbaz Bhatti's family, and for God to raise up another voice for the voiceless.


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