United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father
Views: 95
Heilo, Mami san:
It is Gordon Tippett. Do you remember me at AKC? It is great to hear from you again. We all miss you at AKC. Could we understand your Australian accent when you come back? Your accent is really sweet. We all love you and want you back home. Keep up the good work. You have a great reward in heaven for you.
God bless you
Hi all,
My name is Antonius Silaen. I am actually an Indonesian but I live in Brisbane, Australia.
I heard about this group from Mami, who later invited me to join this prayer group as I have a heart for Japan as well. I attend Hope Brisbane Christian Church and serve there.
I used to have lots of japanese friends from my uni days, but now only keeping in touch with few. I hope I can go back there again, even for a very short visit.
Nice to meet you all, and thanks for having me here.
Antonius Silaen
Hi Halka san, are you Halka san from AKC...? I don't recognise you in that photo but assuming it must be you! You are moviing to the Phillipines? How wonderful! All the best with your study; )
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Japan Prayer Link
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