Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

I feel my life is now facing a turning point and slowly changing and moving...

He showed me the direction,path I should go and gave me the oppotunity to engage with it.Thing I do is just run ahead the course in front of me straightly.and now is the time of starting over,departure from the place I've been working almost 10 months.

I have one thing left to do before I leave my workplace,Hearton hotel.

The day I have to say good-bye to my co-workers is near...I think I'll gonna miss them,especially female chef Yamamoto-san,lovely university students doing job with me,elder ladies,other chefs,workers in different sections too.

Main reason I started to work in there was to earn the money,but I've been thinking that I want to do something to introduce his name to the people who still don't know what kind of person Jesus is and waiting for the oppotunity to talk about how great the bible is,what like christianity is,how deep his love to us is,how peacefull I'm living my life since I met him and how I got it,what like church life is...etc...

I tried to speak openly and honestly about my faith when someone asked me,but I tried not to give them bad impression by my artlessness or impose my own thoughts on them,with praying this matter to our God.

one girl had interest and asked me the address of the church and she came and join the service twice.I lent her children's bible easy to read.I couldn't see her in church recently but she seems to have good image about christianity.and I was so surprised when I knew that a young chef,Okuda san used to go to a church I know long time to join CS since his childhood coz he've been living in neighbor but he stoped to go before he baptizes,he could have the final decision to do it.I want him to link to church again.

my co-workers are on the whole nice people who work very hard.regular employees sometimes look so tired coz their working time are very long over 10 hours a day,and losing pleasure in their job.their conditions of employment,wages seems not good enough.They are pouring all the energies to their job,but they feel their efforts not be rewarded fairly.It is one of the reason the workers in this country cannot draw bright images of future in their heads.I think it means all peple in Japan are very very needy for Jesus and also he does wants to save all of nation.your words must be helpful to my co-workers too.With doing job,I'm always thinking like this...

The time I can relate with them is not so long,the day I'll leave is close...

Lord,please arouse interests to you in their minds and open their eyes to see you,ears to hear you.

and please use me as you want,give me courage to talk about you more boldly and allow me to borrow your wisdom,thoughtfulness.

Thank you so much for your love and cares and mercyful attentions to all about us.

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Comment by Mami Ghone on March 6, 2010 at 11:21am
Wow Rika san, I am very inspired by your passion to reach out! Thank you for this blog post. I miss you and let's catch up more online sometime :D


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