Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Hi everyone, I would like to share what I learned in the K.U.B.C. with you.
The text was Luke 23:32-43. " I promise you that you will be in Paradise with me."

The article referred to two types of sinners.
One was desperate to live, but lost his life. Another got the eternal life.
They had been similar as criminals till this point, but what made absolute difference between them?

It is recognition of sin. Because recognition of sin and faith are the two sides of the same coin, I think.

The former criminal was still blind to sin and overwhelmed by anger and fear. He required Jesus to save him as he expected, and he failed to have faith. He shows the typical characteristics of sinners.

The latter recognized his sin, so he had faith in Jesus. He realized that he didn't deserve salvation, but was given it for the sake of God's Grace. He showed the ultimate attitude human should have to God. In other words, salvation given to human is very God's Grace.

The last question of the text deeply dug out my mind.

" The very person who killed Jesus in the true sense was your sin."

" Forgive them, Father! They don't know what they are doing" is also a prayer for you. What does it mean to you?

When I complain to God, I am the former criminal who required God's help as he expected and insulted Him. I also sometimes nailed Jesus onto the cross by being disobedient.

However, Jesus continually plays for me," Forgive Masako, Father! .........." and leads me to repentance.

God reminded me the truth through this study that for the sake of His Grace I am saved.

I want to stand firm on this truth.

Thanks for your patience.


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Comment by Masako Miyamoto on March 26, 2010 at 2:26am
Thanks for your comments,Michelle and John. Yes, Jesus perfectly understands how we feel, why we cry in our discouragement. He gives us His hand in every difficulties. What a grace to have such a merciful savior! Let's praise His name!!
Comment by Michelle Tonks on March 25, 2010 at 10:35pm
I mean "He" gives us good gifts...not "we". oops.
Comment by Michelle Tonks on March 25, 2010 at 10:34pm
Thanks Masako for sharing this. It`s a good reminder that it`s only by His grace that we are saved. And we live by His grace every moment. We gives us good gifts every day, because that`s who He is. I want to see His hand of blessing in everything, even in difficult times. It`s only by His grace I stand.


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