Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

God released men from sins in different two stories

Today, I'd like to share two testimonies with you.

Firstly, about Ron Brown.

He is a saxphone player and has been playing with famous musicians, like Stievie Wonder, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston and Duke Ellinmgton etc...

Last month, on the 17th he came to Kumamoto, played his music and shared his testimony with us in a Gospel Concert.

Many years ago he suffered from illegal drugs.

He entered a medical facility to stop abusing them.

After he was out of it, he still struggled to stop; it wasn't easy.

But his good friend fasted and prayed for him.

Meanwhile he heard God's voice, "My son, stop it" and then, he could do it immediately.


Now he loves Jesus and Japan and he testified his story in Japanese.

I had goose bumps!!


The second story is about "Brian Welch."

As some of you know, he is a guitarist of "Korn."

Their lyrics and performance on the stage is radical and controversial.

Brian desired stardom, but it got him hooked on drugs and alcohol.

They ruined and devastated Brian's life.

He didn't want to die from them, but to live for his loving daughter instead.

One day he confided his anguish to Chrisitian friend.

Since then God began to get into Brian's life.

I can't tell all the story.

He wrote some books.

I happened to watch it on CNN and knew about it five years ago.

His conversion seemed so sensational in the US.

I remembered it recently and I read one of his books entitled, "Save Me From Myself."

It's amazing, so if someone is interested in it, please read it.


You can to listen his testimony from here.


How great God is!!

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Comment by junko mori on November 8, 2010 at 3:40pm
Thanks, Pastor Joseph.
I hope so, too.
I'm happy if people know God restores our lives by reading these stories.
Comment by Joseph Ricohermoso on November 8, 2010 at 1:31pm
Thanks, Sis. Junko, for making good of your promise to write blogs for JPL. I pray that this article touches people's hearts as it did mine.


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