Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Event Details

Prayer Summit

Time: May 31, 2010 to June 3, 2010
Location: Alpine Rose Village, Tanba-Sasayama (Hyogo Ken)
Website or Map: http://www.prayersummitsjapan…
Event Type: spiritual, recharging
Organized By: Akira Mori
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2010

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Event Description

Prayer Summits - Register Now!

Akira Mori will be facilitating several Prayer Summits again this year, and writes as follows:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Despite the seemingly stagnant situation church-wise in Japan, I firmly believe that we are on the verge of facing an unprecedented visitation of the Lord to this people and to this country. The release of such a visitation seems to depend on how desperately hungry God's people are for Him. Our Prayer Summits provide an opportunity for seeking "the face of God," seeking to be in God's presence, through worshiping and waiting on Him over a four-day period. A Prayer Summit is not THE answer, but it certainly "wets our appetite" for more of God.
Please do consider, seriously and prayerfully, whether or not God is inviting you, or rather, compelling you, to join a summit this year!
The 2010 schedule for Prayer Summits in Japan:

Tokyo (East Japan) Prayer Summit: May 11 (Tue) – 14 (Fri) at Okutama Bible Chalet. Usually in English, but can be bilingual, depending on the attendees. To REGISTER for the TOKYO Summit, please contact the JEMA Office. 30,000 yen per person (JEMA Members: 28,000 yen). A further discount of 2,000 yen is granted if you pay the non-refundable 5,000 yen registration fee before APRIL 30. Please send the registration fee (Tokyo Summit only) by postal furikae to JEMA (see Account Number below).

West Japan Prayer Summit: May 31 (Mon) – June 3 (Thu) at Alpine Rose Village, Tanba-Sasayama (Hyogo Ken). Usually in Japanese, can be bilingual. For info on the Western summit, and registration, please visit:

For info and registration for the following summits, please contact Akira Mori: morinorge86@yahoo.co.jp 090-1930-3424 (AU), 080-3190-3347 (Softbank).
Yamanashi Prayer Summit: August 24 (Tue) – 27 (Fri). Place to be fixed. Japanese language.
Wakayama Pastor's Prayer Summit: Postponed. New date and place not yet fixed. Japanese language. Men only.
Shiga Pastor's Prayer Summit: Postponed. New date and place not yet fixed. Japanese language. Usually men only.

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