Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Dear Partners&Friends,

Greetings from hot&humid Kobe. It's summer time here...

On our 6th month here, we felt like it's been ages since we've arrived! How is it so? We have started to do the routines of weekly activities, even of the daily ones, since April. Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, English classes on Thursdays(7 students), Fridays(1) and Saturdays(3 adults/6kids).
Nihon-go lessons for Rony every Tues&Fridays and Aliw has hers every Saturdays. Sunday is a full day for all. Japanese service and Sunday School (for Yanna too) in the morning till noon oftentimes with lunch fellowship. English worship at 4pm. We usually congregate in our house at around 3pm and after the worship. Yanna's school routines makes it all the more fast... by the day! So it has been a taste of winter, spring and summer for us here.

The month of June, we have experienced SEPARATION when the the two grown-up boys left for Manila. We all felt SADNESS, especially Yosef, who was left behind. We learned to struggle in prayer to the God who sees the heart. Praise the Lord for Tuesdays where he can go out to Akashi just to play basketball with a trusted couple. Remember Yanna able to read Hiragana text? Praise the Lord for her SUPPORTER who comes to the house frequently to help Aliw and Yanna to understand the lessons and how to read it...and the many opportunities to share God's love. Aliw too,got a job! A big SURPRISE from the Lord. It was worth the "waiting on the Lord."

Last July was the most challenging time for Rony here in Kobe as far as health issue is concerned. He was rushed to the hospital due to excessive vomiting and weakness caused by vertigo. We finally decided that he goes home to the Philippines for check up. Praise God for his fast recovery in answer to prayers you have uttered. This month was the most rewarding as well, two Japanese and a Filipino received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord! Pray for Taka, Risako and Gil that the seed of the Gospel will bear fruit in their lives.

The month of August, we have to do a lot of adjustment since Aliw started teaching the whole day from Monday to Friday. Rony has to take care of Yanna and do all the household chores with Yosef. We praise God for His sustaining grace as we tackle different roles and task as part of our ministry for the Kingdom.

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words maybe given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel." (Ephesians 6:19)

Your partners in building God's kingdom,

The Albaniel's in Kobe,Japan

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