Japan Prayer Link

United in Prayer, Unlimited in Power As We Link to the Father

Chii Roba ちいろば (ever ridden donkey)

From the Bible, we know that when Jesus went to the city of Jerusarem, he rode a young donkey who has never been ridden by anyone before.

This tells us that Jesus uses such small things/people, that don't worth much for other people .

Pastor Enomoto Yasuro, who established a local church in the 60s' in the area I live today, was very inspired by the ever ridden donkey.

Many pastors in Japan speak highly of him (oh, Pastor Enomoto is an amazing person, that's true), and people have written books about him.

Yesterday I went to a cafe called Chii Roba (ever ridden donekey) which is 100m away from my place, and there I had a chance to read one of the book about Pastor Enomoto.

I was so inspired by Pastor Enomoto's heart, especially his honesty to God about his sins (many mistakes and heart's conditions that's not right before God and other people).

I was also very encouraged to know that Pastor Enomoto lived in my local area and ministered there (he already passed away). I'm pretty sure he has walked where I walked.
Pastor Enomoto even went to Doshisha University, where I do Bible class now!
He must have prayed for me and for many other people who are alive today.
I'm so blessed to know that Pastor Enomoto is not the only one who prayed for my joy to know Jesus personally! I'm also thrilled to know that these things only happen through the love of Jesus. Because Jesus cares for us so much, He inspires people like Pastor Enomoto to pray for us.

And today I walk and pray for the people in my city, because of the love and care Jesus pours unto me!

See how alive Jesus is in my city? I am so blessed to be a friend of God!

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